Sochaniewicz Maria
Maria Sochaniewicz studiowała w latach 70tych na wydziale malarstwa ASP w Warszawie. Aż do lat 80tych zajmowała się malarstwem typowo figuratywnym, później w jej twórczości wystąpiły inne środki i materiały. We wczesnych latach 90tych jej malarstwo było już czysto abstrakcyjne, jednak jej figuratywne proweniencje widoczne są w jej ilustracjach i rysunkach. Łączyła ze sobą rózne techniki.
Przykładowe wystawy:
1974 Galeria Młodych Artystów, Warszawa
1998 "Abstrakcje" Galeria "TEST". Warszawa
- "Recent Work", "SOHO20 GALLERY", Nowy Jork, USA
2000 "Recent Paintings", "SOHO20 GALLERY", Nowy Jork, USA
2004 "EKSPRESJE", Galeria "Art Office", Warszawa
2010 "Dripping", ("Skapywanie)"PII Gallery, Filadelfia, USA
2012 "Abstract Time", ("Czas Abstrakcji") Polish Slavic Culture Center, Brooklyn, NY
Maria Sochaniewicz studied in The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, graduating with a Masters Degree of Fine Arts. She began as a figurative painter.
In the late 1980’s she moved away from strictly figurative painting and started to incorporate other media into her work. By the early 1990’s, she became a purely abstract painter, although her figurative background still shows in her illustrations and drawings. All of her work evinces a strong and individual use of color as well as a very personal style, a staple of both her figurative and abstract work.
2012 "Abstract Time", Polish-Slavic Culture Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2010 "Dripping", PII Gallery, 05 - 27 - November, 2010, Philadelphia, USA
2004 _“Ekspresje”, Maria Sochaniewicz - Paintings, Dariusz Kowalski - Sculptures, Art Office Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2000 SOHO20 Gallery, “Recent Work”, paintings & installation, New York, USA
1998 _Test Gallery, ”Paintings”, paintings, work on paper & installation “Pyramids in Silver”, Warsaw, Poland
• SOHO20 Gallery, “Recent Paintings”, paintings, New York, USA
1978–99 Gallery of Contemporary Art “Nowy Swiat”, permanent gallery artist, Warsaw, Poland
• 1996 Retrospective exhibition of works from last 15 years
• 1995 “Recent Work”, paintings
• 1981 “Paintings & Graphics”, paintings, lithographies & Original Techniques
1974 _Nowa Ruda Fine Arts Festival, Performance & Installation for Children, Silesia, Poland