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Oh What a Lovely War, 1990Roslaw Szaybo200 PLNRemove from card
The Troubadour, 1970Roman Cieslewicz800 PLNRemove from card
Hommage A'J.L., 1999Rafal Strent1500 PLNRemove from card
Polonia en la Exposicjon Universal Sevilla 1992Jan Sawka120 PLNRemove from card
Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole, 1975 Jan Sawka80 PLNRemove from card
Wiktor Gorka800 PLNRemove from card
Santa Maria della Salute (Letter from Venice), 1987Tadeusz Siara800 PLNRemove from card
Gran Teatro ( Letter from Cuba), 2009Tadeusz Siara800 PLNRemove from card
So in this way we have squaring the circle problem solvedJerzy Flisak600 PLNRemove from card
The Ballad of Cable Hogue, 1972Jerzy Flisak800 PLNRemove from card
U Kierdziołka Och.. ChlapkowiceJerzy Flisak280 PLNRemove from card
Out of Season, 1976Jerzy Flisak220 PLNRemove from card
Sweet home, 1978Jerzy Flisak220 PLNRemove from card
13th by Night, 1962, director: Anton MarinowiczJerzy Flisak350 PLNRemove from card
Walter Defends Sarajevo, World War II: Flashpoint Balkans, 1972Jerzy Flisak250 PLNRemove from card
Wrzesień miesiącem filmu polskiego, 1979Jerzy Flisak120 PLNRemove from card
Konik Garbusek, 1948Unknown Artist600 PLNRemove from card
Dobry wzór IWPUnknown Artist100 PLNRemove from card
Spiewy po rosie, 1982Wieslaw Walkuski200 PLNRemove from card
Wspoldzialaj z Polskim Czerwonym Krzyzem dla dobra czlowiekaDanuta Cesarska120 PLNRemove from card
50 PLNRemove from card
Total:  9010 PLN