School of Things, 2008 School of forms Hatchery of things, 2004 School of things School of things III Objectification I Records Birth of the thing Ravine Homole, 1974/92 Untitled, 1990 Beach II, 1982 Two zones, 2008 Without title Situation I, 1999 Vertical and horizontal, 1981/93 Untilted Two records In disarray I, 1975 Veil, 1980 Untitled records Two situations Untitled Untitled Untitled, 1976 Tower, 1975 Untitled, 1974 Untitled Untitled, 1979 Untitled, 1979 Untitled, 1976 Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled (Portrait) Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled, 1968 Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitle Untitled