Exlibris Dainos untitled without title untitled untitled untitled untitled untited untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled without title without title without title without title without title untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled posters project untitled My Dear Brother J. B. Pergolesi Stabat Matter Illustration: Behind the closed door Iluustration: Behind the closed door Illustration: Behind the closed door Illustration: Behind the closed door Untited Untited Signs Fan Moment Ram Two worlds Words Frames Devotions The Collector The Elephant The Wandering Stairs, 2009 Vartai The Gate The Guest The Painter The Red Shirt The Hammer Pessimist The Empty Fruits Roses Grappa The First Drops, 1996 The Green Balloon Three Pyramids and Face Upat Who is defeat? Sketch Book The Moment Outside the Sun Lars The Boat, 2009 Ekol The Pine Tree The Third Mask, 2009 Zborze The Duel The Flower Sunday The Masked Exlibris Jean Pieere Brossard Exlibris E.Puzdrowski Exlibris Ina Drągutiene Ex libris L. Klimkos, 1974 Exlibris Małgośka sol lucet omnibus Ex libris Herald 14.X. 1983 Exlibris Magdalena Abakanowicz Exlibris V. Zigo Exlibris Dodka i Leszek Sipowscy Exlibria Stanisław Pyra Exlibris Jan Rmebergen, 1973 Ex libris Bogna Jakubowska Ex libris Aloizo Stasiuleviciaus soul lucet omnibus, 1976 Fear Measurement The smell of a flower Dinner The bird encounter Twins from: By the sea from Delivery of palm tree from: Mort, 2010 Fighting bull, 2010  Flower 3, 2009 Rude child, 1990 The colours of autoumn, 1996 constant rythm Wystawa Galeria Studio Untitled, 2022